Attention Gen-X and Millennials: estate planning is not just for “old” people. Even Young Adults Should Start Estate Planning. 

Attention Gen-X and Millennials: estate planning is not just for “old” people. Even Young Adults Should Start Estate Planning. 

Don’t think you need to worry about your estate plan because you’re “too young”?  Too busy to worry about it because you’re getting ready for college or just starting your career? Without proper planning, your parents won’t be able to see your medical records if you’re in an accident and won’t be able to participate Read More

Your kids are precious

Have you thought about who will take care of them if you cannot?  Have you set up guardianship documents for your kids in case of incapacity? Call us for help, and if you want to read up on this, here is a guide to help get you started.

Protecting Children with an Estate Plan

According to a 2019 survey, 57% of adults in the United States have not prepared any estate planning documents, such as a will or trust, despite the fact that 76% viewed them as important. Many believed mistakenly that it was not necessary because they did not have many assets.  Estate Planning is not just for Read More

3 Tips to Prevent Exploitation with a Florida Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document delegating authority from one person to another. The maker of the power of attorney is called the “principal.” In the document, the principal grants the right to act on the maker’s behalf as that person’s agent. What authority is granted depends on the specific language of the Read More

10 Tips for Guardians of Older Adults

In my practice, I often help people make decisions for themselves about who will make decisions for them if they are incapacitated.  This is an important part of estate planning and can avoid formal guardianship proceedings.  Regardless, sometimes there is no other alternative for caregivers of older adults with capacity issues than to seek a Read More

Advice for New Moms and Dads: What to Consider When Choosing a Guardian for Your Baby

When choosing a guardian for your child, consider important issues such as: Is the proposed guardian willing and able to serve? Does the proposed guardian share a similar child-rearing philosophy? What are the proposed guardian’s religious, educational, social or moral views? How old are they?  Grandparents may not always be the best choice, so think Read More